
Acupuncture is the practice of inserting very thin needles into the skin or tissue along specific channels in the body, called Meridians, to alleviate pain and treat a wide range of physical, mental and emotional conditions. Originating in Ancient China over 2,000 years ago, Acupuncture is a time-proven modality that provides patients with an alternative to heavy medications or invasive procedu... Read More

Acupuncture is the practice of inserting very thin needles into the skin or tissue along specific channels in the body, called Meridians, to alleviate pain and treat a wide range of physical, mental and emotional conditions. Originating in Ancient China over 2,000 years ago, Acupuncture is a time-proven modality that provides patients with an alternative to heavy medications or invasive procedures to reduce or eliminate symptoms detracting from quality of life.

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine stems from the belief that certain medical conditions do not require Western medicine pharmaceuticals or invasive procedures. Instead, Naturopathy uses techniques such as change in diet, exercise, lifestyle, and herbal supplements to aid in restoring the body’s natural health.

My name is Maura Emerick and I am a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist with specialized training in orthopedic acupuncture. I earned my degree at the New England School of Acupuncture, now a part of MCPHS University in Worcester. I am also a nationally certified Diplomate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine through the NCCAOM.

My original undergraduate degree was in Business and Marketing, but after working in the marketing field for 4 years, I realized it was burning me out more than lighting me up. Around that time, I started doing yoga and ended up doing a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training. I loved teaching yoga, but still felt like something was missing. After a minor car accident, my chiropractor suggested I try acupuncture and after my first session I knew that was the right path for me.

The beauty of acupuncture is that it can treat a wide variety of ailments because we are really treating the whole person instead of just the complaint. After about 4 years of practice, I have seen this medicine provide relief from many different symptoms. However, I have also found that allowing patients space to take a break from their busy lives and have an hour to connect with themselves and settle their nervous systems is another important benefit of the treatment.

My name is Maura Emerick and I am a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist with specialized trainin... Read More

Dr. Sabrina Seeram completed her doctorate in naturopathic medicine at National University of Health Sciences and earned her bachelor of science in biology at East Stroudsburg University. She says:

“I have always had the passion to practice medicine. I am the oldest of four children and I have two siblings with Type 1 Diabetes. I grew up watching them fight an ongoing battle to get the care that they need and to manage their diabetes. They inspired me to practice medicine. When I learned about naturopathic medicine, I could see that when medical providers embrace and enhance physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness, they can help people with chronic conditions have a better quality of life.

Another part of my past that informs how I practice as a doctor is that I struggle with an autoimmune condition. I was undiagnosed for almost a year until I finally got a diagnosis. I know how it feels to not feel like your full self. I also understand what it feels like to not be heard by your doctor. I will listen to you, be your detective, and help you be an advocate for your health.

As a naturopathic doctor, I focus on the fundamentals of healing at the root cause. We will start with the basics such as breath, hydration, exercise, nutrition, stress and sleep to better address your overall health. We will include interventions like herbs and nutrients as needed.

Each one of you is on your unique health journey, therefore I will make a treatment plan that is uniquely personalized for you. My mission is to empower you to live a healthier life - nourishing the mind, body, and spirit through proactive, preventative healthcare.”

Dr. Sabrina Seeram completed her doctorate in naturopathic medicine at National University of Hea... Read More

My name is Dr. Karolina Zagaja and I am a licensed Naturopathic Physician, specializing in acupuncture. I graduated from the University of Bridgeport, where I earned my doctorate in naturopathic medicine. I am also board-certified with an active physician’s license in the state of Connecticut, along with being a member of American Association of Naturopathic Physicians

Becoming a naturopathic physician was not always the plan for me. While in undergrad at Quinnipiac University, I always thought I wanted to become a dentist. It wasn’t until my last year of undergrad that I really took a moment and decided that dentistry was not the right path for me. I always knew I wanted to do something in healthcare, and luckily, my sister, a medical doctor, introduced me to naturopathic medicine.

Within my first year of naturopathic medical school, I struggled with my eczema flaring up to the point that I couldn’t get any relief from any steroid or prescription medicine. I consulted my naturopathic professor and followed her recommendations of changing my diet, discontinuing steroids/prescription medications, and starting natural supplements. Shortly after, my eczema went into remission, and I knew that the naturopathic field was for me.

My name is Dr. Karolina Zagaja and I am a licensed Naturopathic Physician, specializing in acupun... Read More

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